Book Coaching

Help along the way

Book coaching, or story coaching, is like having a developmental editor, accountability coach, and cheerleader, all wrapped into one tidy package. 

We meet regularly (dealer's choice: weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly) to discuss progress on your book. 

It's one hour in which we focus on your writing, your story, and your concerns. We can discuss plotting, planning, character arc, theme, publishing - anything that is coming up for you regarding your story.  

Book coaching can be good for the occasional one-off brainstorming session, or to work through a single sticky issue, or you can meet regularly, bulding an ongoing relationship with someone who knows your story well and can help you every step along the way - from planning to plotting to writing to editing to publishing.

Things we might do in a book coaching session:

Brainstorm ideas for your novel

Tackle a sticky plot point that you're struggling with

Figure out how to drop some red herrings into your mystery novel

Flesh out your character's backstory

Talk about character arcs

Debate the merits of that dual POV setup you have going

Figure out what your theme is

Discuss comp titles 

Workshop your pitch package 

Talk about whether you should traditionally publish or self publish

Things that happen between book coaching sessions:

You may have homework assignments from me

I will review and provide feedback on up to 3,000 words or one chapter of your novel

I will review any homework I assigned to you before the session


The $125 fee includes my review and edit of 3,000 words, or of your completed homework, in advance of our call

Multi-Session Discount

Purchase five sessions in advance and get one free ($625)

Group Sessions

Is this more than you can afford? Do you prefer to meet in a group? 

Well, grab a friend or four and schedule a session together. I'll meet with up to five participants at once, and split the fee amongst all of y'all. 

"Working through the Blueprint process with Angie really helped me take my jumble of thoughts and turn them into a meaningful and logical outline. I've used the inside outline in every stage of the writing process - from plotting, to drafting and all the way through revisions. The deep thought and insight Angie brought to my outline really helped remotivate me and made my novel a richer, more cohesive work."

- Sage Kahn