Soul Care for Writers

Guidance along the way

Spiritual direction is the art of companioning people as they journey toward a deeper relationship with the Divine. It’s one hour a month in which I hold space for YOU by offering:

Join me at the intersection of creativity and spirituality.

Spiritual Direction is not...

Things soul care for writers can help with:

Getting you out of a creative rut or overcome writer’s block

Find your why

Learn to put your heart on the page

Tap into your inner wisdom

Connecting with your creative soul

Dive deeper into spiritual practices

Learn your spirit language

Companionship while you wander the wilderness of your life

Find a deeper connection with the Divine – or with yourself


I offer a "Pay-from-the-Heart" model for our sessions. This means that you will have the flexibility to choose the rate that feels right for you, based on your own circumstances and appreciation for our work together. 

I offer three payment options: $75, $100, or $125 per session. 

Multi-Session Discount

Purchase five sessions and get one free, regardless of the pay-from-the-heart payment option you choose.

Group Sessions

Is this more than you can afford? Do you prefer to meet in a group? 

Well, grab a friend or four and schedule a session together. I'll meet with up to five participants at once, and split the fee amongst all of y'all.