Developmental Edit

The Ultimate Editing Experience 

A developmental edit is an investment, not just in your current manuscript, but in YOU as a writer. A full developmental edit includes everything in the manuscript evaluation, and more. 

It is specific. It is detailed. It is EDUCATIONAL. I don't just tell you what you need to work on, I tell you where, how, and why. 

With charts. Graphs. Visual aids. And disco lights. 

It is especially important for first-time authors to get this done. 

What you get:

A detailed report summarizing the key strengths and areas for improvement in your manuscript, giving you a clear picture of where you stand, including:

I am a certified Fictionary Story Coach Editor. What this means is that I am trained in using not just the Fictionary Software, but in how to do a developmental edit that is clear, specific, actionable, and kind. 

Fictionary Story Coach edits focus on 38 story elements. These elements are evaluated for each and every scene in your manuscript. 

You get the big picture view, but you also get analyses and feedback on all your scenes.

Fictionary does not use AI. It is a software system that is powered by humans. Everything is hand-coded into the program in order to get the charts and graphs it produces. However, if you would like to hire me for a full developmental edit, but would prefer I not use this software, I am more than happy to do so.

"With Angie’s help I was able to not only assess the quality of my writing, but also confront structural issues present in my work. Plot holes, payoffs, pacing, and more. Her helpful analysis made me more confident than ever in moving to the next stage of my novel.

Using the analytics she provided to me I have already set about building a reliable framework for future changes, and I have shifted a few pivotal scenes to different places in my work to better facilitate a strong narrative progression."  

–Cody C. Campbell

38 story elements

Characters per scene

Point of view

POV character

POV character goal (internal)

POV goal related to plot

What if goal fails?

Scene impact on POV character

Scene impact on protagonist

POV knowledge gained

Characters in motion

Scene name

Story arc


Scene opening type

Scene closing type


Entry hook

Exit hook






Scene middle

Scene climax


Reader knowledge gained









Emotional impact

Location split


Unsure? Get your first chapter (up to 3k words) evaluated for free!


.03 cents per word (or $30 per 1,000 words)

I do NOT accept partial manuscripts for this service. If you're looking for feedback on just one chapter, please see my manuscript evaluation option.